15+ Celebrities You Would Never Guess are Atheist

Daniel Radcliffe

Religion is a touchy subject in today’s society, it always has been. It’s what empires were built on, what countries were founded from, what entire people groups revolve around. It’s a way of life, and gives meaning to so many people’s lives. But we live in an age of information.

An age where tradition is constantly being turned on it’s head, where all information is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, all the time, 24/7. Belief in *insert religious deity and/or God* is no longer the norm, and you would be surprised how many of your favorite Celebrities identify has Atheist. A current study has concluded that around 26% of all americans identify as atheist or agnostic. Let’s take a look at 15+ Celebrities you never knew were atheist!

The star of the Harry Potter movies was raised in a mixed-faith household of Protestantism and Judaism. However, he chose to focus on something different by becoming an atheist and says; “I have a lot of faith in my generation.

Julianne Moore

I have to. We have to develop our own moral system.”

Julianne Moore was once a Christian but a tragic event in her life made her turn away from God and become an atheist.

Lance Armstrong

She once told the Hollywood Reporter that “I learned when my mother died five years ago that there is no ‘there’ there.” She says that she feels more in charge of her own life after the change.

Lance Armstrong has faced down death, in the form of cancer, and not only lived to tell the tale but also went on and become the supreme champion of his sport, cycling.

Bruce Willis

His brush with death didn’t change his beliefs though and he still says he is an atheist to the core.

Bruce Willis’ atheism isn’t really a staunch advocacy that there is no God.

James Cameron

It’s more based on the fact that he feels overwhelmed by the choices offered by the different faiths available in the modern world and has instead opted to pursue none of them rather than make the wrong call.

James Cameron rejected his protestant upbringing and declared himself 100% atheist a long time back. He’s actually worked to promote atheism by investing in research to disprove aspects of articles of faith.

Jodie Foster

He even tried to prove that Jesus wasn’t resurrected and was just an ordinary person doing ordinary things.

Jodie Foster is an atheist but she’s not anti-religion. On the contrary, she has tried to expose her children to as many faiths as possible so that they may make an informed decision about what they want later on in life.

Kathy Griffin

She’s said to enjoy the different festivities of other faiths very much.

Kathy is not just an atheist; she is a long-standing vocal critic of all things Christian. That’s surely cost her a few fans across the last few years.

Mark Zuckerberg

Yet, when she finally won an Emmy Award she didn’t hold back and said; “This award is now my God. Suck it Jesus!”

As you might have guessed Mark was both born and raised as a practising Jew. However, he rejected his faith outright during his teens (possibly following the event of his Barmitzvah as most Jewish teens do) and is an outspoken atheist advocate today.

Emma Thompson

He even lists “atheism” as his faith on his own social network, Facebook.

Emma Thompson has been very outspoken about her atheism over the years. “I regard religion with fear and suspicion. It’s not enough to say that I don’t believe in God.

Billy Joel

I actually regard the system as distressing: I am offended by some of the things said in the Bible and the Quran, and I refute them.” said Emma Thompson in a television interview. She went on to say that she sees herself as an anarchist.

While Billy Joel was raised in a mixed Catholic and Jewish home, he says that he’s neither in practice.

George Clooney

While he feels culturally closest to Judaism, he says he won’t worship and that he believes many people are forced into religious participation by other people rather than choosing it freely.

George Clooney is definitely not a devout atheist but he’s definitely not a believer either. He said; “I don’t believe in heaven and hell.

Sir Ian McKellen

I don’t know if I believe in God. All I know is that as an individual, I won’t allow this life – the only thing I know to exist – to be wasted.”

The star of the X-Men movies and the Lord of the Rings trilogy is a borderline atheist.

Keira Knightley

He acknowledges that there is a possibility that there is a God but has decided to live his life as though there isn’t and not to let religious aspects intrude in his thoughts.

Keira Knightley was the star of Bend it Like Beckham and Pirates of the Caribbean and she is also an atheist. She says that being an atheist is challenging because; “If only I wasn’t an atheist; I could get away with anything.

Seth MacFarlane

You’d just ask for forgiveness, and then you’d be forgiven.”

Seth MacFarlane started out on a religious path. He was brought up as a Catholic in a Catholic family but at the age of 11 he rejected his religion and became a staunch atheist.

Keanu Reeves

This probably is shown by the number of sacrilegious jokes which appear in his hit TV show “Family Guy.”

In 2005 Reeves said he was changing his thoughts on religion because a film was causing him to have fewer doubts about Heaven and Hell, but also admitted to still being atheist.

John Lennon

This was when the actor was promoting the film Constantine, which was of a religious nature.

If you doubt Lennon’s atheism look no further than his 1970 song “God.”
God is a concept by which we can measure our pain…
I don’t believe in magic, I don’t believe in I-ching,
I don’t believe in bible, I don’t believe in tarot,
I don’t believe in Hitler, I don’t believe in Jesus,
I don’t believe in Kennedy, I don’t believe in Buddha,
I don’t believe in mantra, I don’t believe in Gita,
I don’t believe in yoga, I don’t believe in kings,
I don’t believe in Elvis, I don’t believe in Zimmerman,
I don’t believe in Beatles…
I just believe in me, Yoko and me, and that’s reality.
Also, in 1965 he said, “Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink.

Richard Branson

I needn’t argue with that; I’m right and I will be proved right. We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first – rock and roll or Christianity.”

Morgan Freeman

The eccentric billionaire isn’t the most obvious atheist on this list, but in his autobiography he gives us the proof we need when he wrote, “I do not believe in God, but as I sat there in the damaged capsule, hopelessly vulnerable to the slightest shift in weather or mechanical fault, I could not believe my eyes.” In the clip above, you’ll notice he says he believes in evolution, not God.

The respected and successful actor Morgan Freeman adamantly states that he is not a man of God.

He believes in science, and puts faith in science instead.