Trump vs. Hillary: Who Are Celebs Voting For?

In case you missed it, Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton gets support from celebrities who aren't famous anymore. 

We got interested, so we decided to do some research on this and a side-by-side comparison of who is voting who. Here we go!

George Clooney - HillaryTom Brady – Trump

Brady recently returned to the field for the New England Patriots following a four-game suspension.  

He counts Trump among his friends and plans on voting for the Republican candidate.

George Clooney - Hillary

Clooney calls himself a Hillary supporter and is fundraising on her behalf as well.  The eminent actor has not shied from his support of Democrats- he raised $15 million for Obama in 2012 and is now supporting the same candidate who ran opposite Obama in 2008, Hillary Clinton.  

He vehemently opposes Trump, as was made quite clear in his quip: "He's just an opportunist. Now he's a fascist; a xenophobic fascist." We think it's quite clear how the actor's ballot will look.

Clint Eastwood – Trump

After Eastwood’s infamous “empty chair” speech mocking Barack Obama, everyone knows that he’s a Republican.

Eastwood plans on voting for Trump.

Ben Affleck – Hillary

The talented actor and director has supported the Democratic presidential candidate in the previous four elections, and won’t break that streak this year.

He’ll support Clinton in the election.

Kendra Wilkinson – Trump

Wilkinson is notable as someone who is pro-choice, but the former Playboy bunny still plans on voting for Trump in this year’s election.

Angelina Jolie – Hillary

Jolie made headlines recently with her stunning divorce of Brad Pitt, but her politics haven’t changed whatsoever. 

The liberal actress and director isn’t a fan of Trump’s plan to limit the U.S. in accepting refugees from Muslim nations.

Jon Voight – Trump

Voight is not just a famous actor, but Angelina Jolie’s father.  

Unlike his daughter, he is very much a Republican and believes Trump is the right choice.

Alec Baldwin – Hillary

Baldwin has played Trump a lot on Saturday Night Live lately, but he won’t vote for him on November 8th.  

In his personal life, he’s as liberal as they come.

Stephen Baldwin – Trump

The Baldwin brothers don’t see eye to eye politically, as Stephen is a Trump supporter.

He says he believes in old-fashioned morals, which may surprise some considering his personal history.

Dennis Rodman – Trump

Rodman says that he will support Trump in the election because he doesn’t want another career politician in office.

Kendall Jenner – Hillary

The sexy model is known more for her selfies than her politics, but she has publicly endorsed Clinton for this year’s election.

Bruce Willis – Trump

Willis has long considered himself a Republican and is expected to vote Trump this November.  

The 2nd amendment is a key issue in Willis’ eyes.

Demi Moore – Hillary

Moore is very different from her ex-husband, Bruce Willis when it comes to politics.  

She’s a vocal Democrat who has endorsed candidates such as Barack Obama in the past.

Leonardo DiCaprio – Hillary

DiCaprio’s concerns over global warming alone put him squarely in the Clinton camp.  

He wouldn’t be a fan of Trump’s energy policies, which include the continued usage of coal.

Stacey Dash – Trump

It may surprise you that the blue-eyed beauty from Clueless is a big-time conservative.  

She has supported Trump during a number of Fox News appearances.

Beyonce – Hillary

Beyonce has always supported Democratic presidential candidates, so her attendance at a recent Clinton fundraiser wasn’t a big surprise.

Mike Tyson – Trump

Tyson says he likes Trump because he’s down to earth and has always been friendly to him when they’ve met in the past.

Ellen Degeneres – Hillary

Ellen’s big issues include LGBT rights and marriage equality, so it wasn’t unexpected when she promised to support Clinton this year.

Kid Rock – Trump

The rap-rock icon said that he supports Trump because of his business acumen.

Sarah Silverman – Hillary

Although she supported Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination, Silverman has decided to support Clinton in the election.

Scott Baio – Trump

Those who saw Baio endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention already know where the 80s sitcom star’s allegiances lie.

Meryl Streep – Hillary

The legendary actress is one of many Hollywood stars who identifies as a Democrat, so she’s sure to vote for Clinton this year.

Hulk Hogan – Trump

Hogan won’t just vote for Trump, but he’d also like to be in the Republican nominee’s cabinet.  

Hogan has joked about wanting to be Trump’s vice president.

Salma Hayek – Hillary

The beautiful actress supported Clinton earlier this year on Instagram.

Chuck Norris – Trump

Norris respects the sincerity of Trump, which isn’t surprising considering the reputation of the Walker, Texas Ranger star for being very down-to-earth.

Tom Hanks – Hillary

Hanks has always supported Democrats and will continue to do so this year by voting for Clinton.

Vince Vaughn – Trump

After cheering on his Chicago Cubs during the World Series, Vaughn will vote for Trump in November.

He says Trump’s support of the 2nd amendment is a huge reason for his decision.

Katy Perry – Hillary

If you didn’t know that the singer is a Clinton supporter, you haven’t been paying attention.  

Perry has sang at Clinton’s events and endorsed her on Instagram, noting that she agrees with the Democratic nominee on every major issue.

Kirstie Alley – Trump

Alley isn’t usually very active in politics, but she did take time to show her support of Trump on Twitter recently.

Cher – Hillary

Cher is a frequent supporter of Clinton on her Twitter account.

She’s also made appearances alongside the Democratic nominee.

Gary Busey – Trump

Busey got to know Trump on the set of The Celebrity Apprentice and says that Trump could improve the nation if elected president.

Steve Harvey – Hillary

Funnyman Steve Harvey says that he’ll vote for Clinton because she has fought for civil rights in the past.

Kelsey Grammer – Trump

Grammer didn’t seem crazy about Trump when he said he’d probably vote for him, but he has always supported Republican nominees in the past.

Carole King – Hillary

King is a Hillary supporter. Her main reason?  

Clinton’s decision to support the mission of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Roseanne Barr – Trump Just like Trump, Roseanne is famous for not being afraid to speak her mind.

She says that she’ll vote for Trump expressly to keep Clinton from taking office.

Demi Lovato – Hillary

Like Katy Perry, Lovato has lent her voice to many of Hillary’s campaign stops as she courts younger voters.

Wayne Newton – Trump

Newton is among a number of voters who says he likes Trump because he comes across as candid and honest.

Jake Gyllenhaal – Hillary

Gyllenhaal counts marriage equality as one of his biggest issues, which means he’ll be supporting Clinton this year.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West – Hillary

Kim and Kanye are two of the biggest names in entertainment and showed their support of Clinton with a single selfie last year.

Willie Robertson – Trump

The Duck Dynasty star recently said that he loves Trump, leaving no question of who he’ll be voting for this year.