What People Find Attractive Today But Didn't 10 Years Ago

Times Change

Trends change, and with them, people's perceptions and mentality change too. Some things that weren't considered attractive 10 years seem to have come into fashion today. 

In the following list, people share the most unsexy things from 10 years ago that don't seem so bad today. On the contrary, they've become some of the most attractive things. 


When I was younger, I was sure I was a lesbian. But it turns out I just never licked over-confident teenage boys. It had nothing to do with my sexuality.

I still find the female form much more pleasant to look at, but I'm attracted to males. It is what it is, and I can't do anything to change it. But it took me around 10 years to realize, so I guess it fits on the list. Story Credit: Reddit/Liaku

Genuine Interest

I like when interest is being shown, and I don't have to chase someone or "play games." It's insane to still meet women my age who act like they're in high school. 

I'm not going to waste time trying to figure out the level of interest you have in me and any potential relationship between us. I've become a very upfront man when I've grown to like someone now. Story Credit: Reddit/Beansy


A while ago, I came across a post that went like this: "I'm 33 years old. I am not married, and I work for a department store chain. I am home every day before 8 PM at the latest. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and I make sure I always get 8 hours of sleep. After having a glass of warm milk before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life."

When I read all that, all I could think about was that I'm attracted to that level of stability now. I could sure fall for some sweet, sweet stability. Story Credit: Reddit/DesignDarling


I can say that 10 years ago, I wasn't really in a good place and wasn't happy about it or about myself. 

My character development arc was pretty long with tons of filler, but it was worth it in the end. A lot can change in 10 years, and that includes me. So yeah, I am much more attractive now than 10 years ago. Story Credit: Reddit/nyancatmeows

Women Over The Age Of 30

When I was 23, or so I worked with an older guy that was just doing the job until he got called back to his engineering job. He imparted a lot of wisdom, and after hearing him say how sexy a 65+-year-old customer was, I told him I didn't see it. 

His words were," When you are 62 like me, women in their 60s, 50s, 40s, and 30s are all attractive, but not women in their 20s. They are babies. You may not find women in their 30s attractive now, but in a few years, it will change." He was right. I'm 34, and I'm finding women who are even in their mid-40s attractive. Story Credit: Reddit/derpado514

Alone, Together

I love that now it's more common to do things alone together. It wasn't so common 10 years ago, and people used to do everything as a couple. 

What I mean are, for example, things like just lying in bed, reading two separate books while holding hands, or cuddling a bit. I think that's just awesome. Story Credit: Reddit/ObscuraNox

Richard From "Friends"

Ten years ago, you might have found some fictional characters appalling, but as you grow up, your perception of them changes. And you end up liking them a lot. That happened to me with a character from the show "Friends." 

Whenever I would watch "Friends" 10 years ago, I never understood how all the girls found Richard so attractive. Now, when I watch "Friends," I'm like, man, Richard's hot. Story Credit: Reddit/Jessibeeb

Taking Things Seriously

When I was younger, I had a real thing for the lazy, funny, almost apathetic guys. My parents were super uptight and fought with me all the time about inconsequential things. I just wanted someone who was fundamentally chilled-out about everything. 

That's cool in your teens, but as an adult, it tended to mean irresponsible people who didn't bother to find jobs that excited them or any interests. They also never had anything they felt or spoke passionately about. Story Credit: Reddit/Jay_Bonk


For me, it's glasses. It's not that I found them unattractive 10 years ago. I just was pretty indifferent to them. 

Now I constantly annoy my wife by wearing her glasses more, even if her vision is still pretty good. She only needs glasses for stuff like lecture halls and movie theaters, so she basically wears them for me most of the time. Story Credit: Reddit/FloralBison


Body parts beings sexy or not, can be all about the trends. About ten years ago, I remember women going crazy about well-built forearms, and I never understood why.

But my fiance has super sexy forearms, so I get it now. He can't roll his sleeves up without me magically appearing and drooling. I know it might seem weird to some, but I felt like sharing. Story Credit: Reddit/fwooby_pwow

Men In Their 40s

I find men in their 40s really attractive now, especially when they experience the beginning of salt and pepper hair. 

Where I work, there's a men's health magazine always sitting on display across from me called muscle after 40. It features a hot mid-40s man on the beach with chiseled abs and salt and pepper hair. It gets me through the day, to be honest. Story Credit: Reddit/PluralofSloop

Good Credit

That is so sexy. But on a more serious note, personal financial skills are more important. You can have good credit easily by staying on top of your bills but still be absolutely completely broke. 

I know many people who spend every dollar they earn, don't save at all and don't think about the long-term future. Story Credit: Reddit/Original_Xova

Cheesy Things

Ten years ago, this was considered unattractive, but now I find it one of the sexiest traits in men. Men saying cheesy romantic things or being very sincerely nice to me is the best. 

Ten years ago, this was a sign of weakness. But now, it is the image of a good father for my daughter one day. And I'm happy to see more and more men embrace this. Story Credit: Reddit/KnucklesLLC

Emotional Intelligence

I might be late to the party, but I haven't seen this one mentioned, so here it is: emotional intelligence is really attractive to me.

Are you aware of why you feel the way you feel and how to use that energy in a healthy way? If yes, I want to spend all my time with you. Story Credit: Reddit/Axedus1