Archie Issued New Birth Certificate


Whether or not you like the newest and biggest Royal couple, there's been so much drama with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, that there are things that have been overlooked.

With all the fallout from the Oprah interview, people seem to have forgotten about a subtle change in a certain person's birth certificate - Archies.

Finally Found Out

The change in Archie's birth certificate went unseen for quite a while. But sooner or later, tabloids find out every secret and detail about star's lives.

And after they found out about the change they sure did make a big deal about it. It's weird to think how much drama could be brought up just because of some paper.

The Change

Archie's birth certificate was updated to reflect the step back that Meghan and Harry have taken. Prince Harry was previously listed as "His Royal Highness Henry Charles Albert David Duke of Sussex." Now his name includes "Prince".

Meghan had her forenames removed as they are not part of her proper title. They are small details but have had the press buzzes ever since, speculating.