These Animals Really Didn’t Want Their Pictures Taken

Captured On Camera

A very fulfilling profession is being a wildlife photographer. Some people are passionate about pursuing their dream of walking among nature and taking photos of some of the most elegant and elusive animals. Some animals cooperate with photographers and enjoy being in the spotlight.

Other animals are more on the shy side and they scare easily. If they can't get away from the photographer then they'll often make it hard for them to take the picture. Here are some animals that didn't want to captured on camera and tried their best to stop it from happening.

Sharing The Camera

The fox snuck up on the photographer and wanted to see if there was anything good on his film. He just needs to see if the photos that the photographer took are flattering or not.

Foxes really don't seem to like being photographed if you can even catch them on camera. For this fox to be right by the photographer he must have given him snacks. If the fox isn't happy with the photo we bet he'll nab the camera and run.

Stop Taking Photos!

This photographer seems to be lighthearted at least. He wanted to take some pictures of seals and one decided to check out what he was doing. No he can't move and the seal has him right where he wants him.

The photographer can only laugh as he knows there's no escape. At least his friend can snap this picture to remind him later. His family and friends will never let him forget about this.

What A Distraction

Would you be upset if this little guy came by and sat on your shoulder? Of course not! You may not get the photo you wanted, but you get this experience instead.

If the cub's mother comes around this photographer may be in trouble. Will the photographer be able to explain that it was the cub that came to them and that they're perfectly safe? 

Ow, You're Stepping On Me

Sometimes it's hard being a photographer. You need to set up in the perfect spot and even then you might get ambushed by the animals you wanted to take photos of. You can easily get distracted by these animals and there's no hope of getting away if they're cute.

One thing's for sure, these animals don't want the photographer taking any photos today. Maybe they're trying to tell her how she should take the photographs. We wonder if she'll take their advice.

What's Up?

This photographer was getting ready to take an awesome shot. When the cheetah arrived he had to stay in the pose he was in. Unfortunately for him, he's stuck with one eye open holding that heavy lens.

Cheetahs can be very curious, maybe this one wants to know what the photographer is up to. Maybe the photographer has a tasty snack in his back pocket that the cheetah picked up on. 

Can I Eat That?

Food's a lot more scarce in winter for foraging animals. This fox is desperate enough to see if this photographer's camera is edible. Imagine the kind of photo the photographer will get if he takes the photo now.

Let's hope that the photographer does end up getting the photo he wanted. He seems a bit uncomfortable in the cold. But the fox doesn't seem bothered in the slightest.

Get Out Of My Hair

This tiger cub sure is bored of his fellow species. He just wants something new and exciting. He stumbled on this photographer and took his chances. The man's picture picture was ruined and now he'll have nothing but scratches to show for it.

This is a great photo, at least his buddy was able to fix it. Otherwise, the photographer wouldn't have been able to take a picture of anything. Maybe the tiger cub will want to play with the other photographer next.

What Do I Do Now?

This photographer was going about his business when these bears decided to join the party. Now he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. He must be regretting the decisions that led up to this point.

Looks like one of the bears is tasting him, seeing if he'd make a good meal. If they can eat him before winter they'll be fine during their hibernation. At least these bears look friendly enough that they might not eat him.


This bird wanted to make this photographer into a laughing stock. Now he just needs to try and find the right angle to get the bird instead of his own face. Let's just hope he doesn't blind himself with the flash.

He's almost there, just a bit higher, maybe more to the left and... perfect! He might want to take multiple shots in case a few of them are his forehead. He may as well use a whole camera roll just on this little bird.


Thankfully this photographer has a buddy to catch this on camera. Otherwise, his pictures would just be the blackness of this deer's mouth. The deer must be looking for food in the camera lens.

More importantly, this guy might be laughing now, but he won't be laughing if this deer cracks his lens. If you've ever looked up prices of new lenses, you know they aren't cheap!

Found You!

Another day trying to take pictures; another fox ruining it all. The worst part is there is nothing this photographer can do about it. He or she is stuck in their makeshift igloo trying to keep warm and stay out of view.

This fox found the camera and planted himself right in the front of it. No, the lovable but poorly placed critter is going to stay there until it figures out exactly what is going on. This is going to be a long battle on both ends!


Okay, there must be nuts in that bag because we've never seen a squirrel this friendly. Usually, they get skittish and are just looking to grab a quick meal then get away as fast as possible. This squirrel has firmly planted itself on this backpack while this person takes pictures.

Also, what is this person taking pictures of? Flowers? The squirrel is on your back, guy! That's where your camera should be pointing. If there is anything we learned from the guy taking the picture of the bird on his head, it's "where there's a will, there's a way."

Look Over Here

Sometimes you just need a little help from a friend to get the perfect picture. The cameraman saw a meerkat family on their adventures and knew he had the perfect opportunity for a picture. The problem was the meerkats refused to turn and pose for him.

The problem, thankfully, was solved when another meerkat jumped on his back to help out. Now his friend can wave over to the family so they know what's going on. Then it's up to them whether or not they want to take the perfect picture for their upcoming holiday cards. Coming up, another fox proves they love messing with photographers more than any other animal.

A Fox Of Another Color

What is it about foxes when they see photographers that they just have to do something about it? This fox seems to be taking a new approach. Instead of confronting the photographers face to face, it's snuck up from the rear and is getting ready to play some sort of trick.

This poor photographer will never see it coming. How will she react? We hope whoever was watching and took this picture did something to help out after. That's what a good friend would do, anyways.

One Kiss And You'll Become A Prince

First, we have no idea what kind of animal this is that has adorably distracted this photographer. We think it's a baby weasel, but aren't quite sure. Whatever it is, it's giving the photographer an "Eskimo kiss." Let's hope she keeps her nose!

If this little fella is lucky, the kiss from this photo princess will turn him into a prince. That's how that fairytale goes, right? True loves first kiss will break the curse and turn this critter into its truest form.

Where's The Photographer?

Uh oh, what did this lion do to the person who was holding this camera? Are they okay? That's a very proud trot this lion has as it walks away with its prize. The phrase "it's going to cost an arm and a leg" has never been more true.

Now that this lion has a new camera, what is it going to take pictures of? We're predicting that this is the first lion to ever start a family album with pictures of its cubs growing up. The sentiment brings a tear to our eye.

Bad Camera!

Maybe this is how the lion got the camera on the previous slide. We can't prove that it's the same lion or camera, but maybe. This ferocious feline is clearly teaching itself how to take a picture. It watched the humans do it enough and now it's taking a turn.

Is this how Animal Farm starts? Now that lions know how to take pictures, the other animals will slowly start to learn how to do other things. Before we know it, we'll be living in the grass while our furry friends are building lives for themselves indoors.

The Animal Takeover Continues

First it was the lions, then it was the foxes. Or did the foxes start this whole apocalyptic scenario? We've now seen several foxes getting in the way of wildlife photographers doing their jobs. It looks like they had ulterior motives. Sneaky foxes!

What's next, mice learning how to take pictures? Snakes? The possibilities are endless and we're shaking in our boots. Okay, we're not actually that scared. This whole doomsday scenario is too ridiculous to take seriously. Go back to foraging, fox!

You Have Something On Your Head

This woman is determined to take the perfect picture and she doesn't care who, or what, gets in the way. Not even a big white wolf whispering sweet nothings into her ear. If that were us, we'd be running away as fast as our feet would take us.

Some pictures just aren't worth taking. Kudos to this photographer for being braver than us. Or more stubborn. That sounds more accurate, actually. This is a once-in-a-lifetime photo and she's not about lose the chance after years of trying!

Oh No, Here We Go

Well, so much for the animal takeover scenario being ridiculous. Our worst fears have come true. The foxes taught the lions how to use cameras first, then they taught they mice. First it's the cameras, then it's the rest of our technology,

And if you think your thumbs will save you, don't bet on it. Call your local veterinarian and let them know what's going on. The future of your kids is at stake. The future of your kids's kids is at stake!

Move a Little to the Left...Now the Right...

This little fox looks like a professional behind the lens of this Canon camera. Just look at the way he's standing upright and leaning against the camera on the tripod. His paw placement is just right and it almost looks like he's looking over the viewfinder to give his subject some creative direction!

...And maybe he is. After all, they don't call foxes one of the cleverest species in the animal kingdom for nothing.

What's This Contraption?

Can you imagine setting up your gear to shoot some wildlife photography only to break away momentarily and return to this scene? We're sure glad this photographer had another camera handy to capture this moment because it sure is perfectly timed!

The way the bear is curiously standing over this camera make it look like they're ready to direct a photo shoot. While we love this shot, we'd definitely be a little scared if a bear was surrounding our expensive belongings!

Your Camera Is Mine Now!

When a lion takes your camera, it's no longer your camera. It's theirs now, and it's best for you to just accept it. Move on, save your money, and buy another camera. After all, have you seen the teeth on these things? You surely don't want to cross one.

One thing's for certain, this beautiful creature didn't want this photo taken and he let the photographer know it. Hopefully the photographer won't miss this camera too much!

Uh Oh!

Being a wildlife photographers mean staying on your toes at all times. We repeat: ALL TIMES! You never know when one of your subjects is going to decide they want their picture taken and instead, would rather give you the scare of a lifetime.

While we're sure this photographer is a seasoned pro when it comes to this kind of thing, we still think the look on his face says it all. Luckily he has this crazy cool photo to look back on. All in a day's work, right?

Hey Guys, Come Check This Out!

This beaver saw a photographer snapping some photos of the wildlife near his home and had to take a peek behind the viewfinder himself. By the looks of it, he couldn't believe what he saw! His facial expression is priceless.

We don't want to assume that this photo is better than anything else the photographer shot that day...but we'd bet our money on it!

This Fox Will Be Your Creative Director For the Day

The fox is tired of being the subject of wildlife photographers abound. He knows he's beautiful, but he's so much more than his amber fur and perky ears. He's clever! He's creative! He's whip smart! If a human can be a wildlife photographer, so can he.

Clearly, the photographer gave in to this fox's demands and let him try his hand (or should we say paw?) behind the camera. By the looks of it, he knows what he's doing.

Ah Yes, Got the Shot

Fed up with being the subject of wildlife photographers everywhere, this little primate was eager to try his hand at being the photographer for once. By the look on his face, he is more than pleased with his work.

Sure, he may be a perfectionist at heart, but we think he definitely got the perfect shot somewhere in that roll of photos. Before you know it, he'll be the top creative director in all the jungle.

Move Over Bud, I'll Show You How It's Done

Look at this baby primate and tell me you wouldn't let it hold your camera if it tried. We mean, come on! He is too cute. He may be the same size of this monstrous camera, but by the looks of it, his confidence is taking him to great heights.

We bet he was tired of having his picture taken all the time, and instead wanted to do the picture-taking for a change. Follow your dreams little guy!

No Photos Please

In this day and age, the paparazzi can be relentless. Wherever celebrities turn, there they are, photographing their every waking minute. It's enough to drive a person man. Alright, this squirrel may not be a celebrity, but he still has his photo taken against his will on the regular.

But not today! He was fed up with wildlife photographers invading his personal space and decided to put an end to it. Unfortunately for him, it just made for an even better photo.