10 Abandoned Cities That Are Off Limits

Abandoned Cities 

Whether it’s the result of a nuclear disaster, war, economic pressures, or merely time, numerous cities all around the globe - from Antarctica to North America— have become abandoned and derelict, some overnight. 

But there’s something both creepy and fascinating about abandoned cities, right? Here are 13 abandoned cities that are off-limits.

Ordos Kangbashi, China

This city, located in Inner Mongolia, was first built intended to be a modern city bursting with state-of-the-art architecture, gigantic stadiums, and stunning public spaces. And although the city managed to achieve all of that, it failed to attract people. 

The city was built to house 300,000 people but in reality, only 70,000 people moved here. And even they started to dwindle out. Eventually, the city became bankrupt and now it’s a complete ghost town.

Oradour-sur-Glane, France

Oradour-Sur-Glane was once a small farming village located in the German-occupied section of France during World War II. But on June 10th, 1944, something truly horrific took place. 

The entire village was destroyed by the Nazi SS organization - with soldiers killing 642 townspeople and leaving few survivors. The village remains preserved in its ruined state and every year on June 10th, a ceremony is held to mark the anniversary.

Pripyat, Ukraine

First founded back in 1970 as a “nuclear city” - a city built to house power plant workers and their families - Pripyat in Ukraine had over 13,000 apartments, 30 stores, and cafes, schools for 5,000 children, a sports hall, and a hospital. But in 1986, disaster struck and this city was never the same again.

It was on April 26th, 1986 when a reactor blew in Pripyat, releasing toxic radiation into the area. The city was swiftly evacuated, and people claimed that this city was uninhabitable for at least another 180 years.

North Brother Island, New York

New York City is ever-changing. Buildings are being torn down and new ones are springing up to take their place. But there’s an eerily creepy place hidden away that hasn’t gone l just yet.

North Brother Island is a 20-acre island that was once a pandemic hospital in the 1800s to quarantine people with smallpox. But in the 1960s the entire island was abandoned. And now, New York has banned anyone from going on it. 

Snake Island, Brazil

Lying just off the coast of Brazil is a beautiful island that would make the perfect spot for a vacation. The only problem? Its 110 acres are populated by unique and highly venomous species of snakes. 

Just getting to the island requires a lot of effort: you have to cross a 19-mile stretch of dangerous water from the coast of the Brazilian state of São Paulo. But with at least 5,000 snakes writhing around the place, is this really where you want to go? 

Plymouth, Montserrat

Next up is a gorgeous island in the Caribbean called Montserrat. But this once picturesque island was changed forever when something terrible happened in 1995.

This capital city was evacuated in 1995 because of a looming, deadly, and flaming volcanic eruption. And two years later, Soufrière Hills volcano blew its top, covering Plymouth in 40 feet of ash!

Pyramiden, Svalbard, Norway

This ghost town is called Pyramiden, named for the pyramid-shaped mountain nearby. After WW1 a lot of money was spent in this town, building hospitals, cafeterias, and houses. 

But in 1996 tragedy struck when an airplane flying from Moscow to Svalbard crashed, killing all 141 passengers, many of them Pyramiden residents. Now, the site is completely abandoned as if people had suddenly stopped what they were doing and merely walked away.

Craco, Italy

This hilltop town in Italy has sure had bad luck: not only did it fall victim to earthquakes, wars, and the Black Plague, but the final straw was a landslide in 1963, which forced all remaining residents to evacuate.

Today, the crumbling old town makes a popular destination and setting for Hollywood film-makers.

Varosha, Cyprus

You wouldn’t think that a city visited by the likes of Elizabeth Taylor, Brigitte Bardot, and Richard Burton, would become a ghost town, right? Well unfortunately for Famagusta, Cyprus that’s exactly what happened.

Throughout the early 1970s, the city was one of the most popular tourist hot spots in the world. But in 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus and as the armed arrived in the city, many residents fled for their lives.

Rhyolite, Nevada 

In the early 1990s, gold was discovered in this once-bustling mining town. From there, the town accumulated houses, hospitals, and even an opera house. 

But unfortunately, following the 1907 financial crisis, the town was almost completely abandoned by 1912. Today, it’s been used as a set for many 1920’s westerns. 

Kolmanskop, Namibia

This town was built in the early 1900s after diamonds were found in the area by a German worker. The town itself had a hospital, power station, ballroom, school, casino, and sports hall.

But because diamonds are rare, the town became abandoned after a far richer source of diamonds was discovered. Just walking through this town you’d be amazed at all the houses filled with sand! 

Centralia, Pennsylvania

The number of residents in this town took a deep dive from around 1,000 to just seven in 2013! The reason why? A coal mine fire. 

The coal mine fire hasn’t stopped burning since 1962, and its cause is widely debated. Now, the state has declared Centralia as condemned, and you can’t even get mail service there anymore!

Kennecott, Alaska

From 1911 to 1938 nearly $200 million worth of copper was processed in Kennecott, a mining town located in Wrangell–St. Elias National Park. 

However once the copper resources started to dwindle, the residents fled and most of the buildings have now been abandoned for around 60 years.

Creepy And Strange

Wow, these abandoned cities are pretty creepy, right? Just imagine if you were to ever visit one of them. Setting foot inside the city, straight away you’d feel a shiver up your spine.

It’s crazy to think that somewhere, miles away from where you are now, is an abandoned and creepy city, with just the wind passing through.