7 Ways to Detox After Your 4th of July Weekend

1. Watermelon, Mint and Lemon Detox Drink

Have a little too much fun this Fourth of July weekend? The Monday aftermath is rarely pleasant. Try these detox tips to get you back on track.

Hydration is key when cleansing your body of toxins. This detox drink provides extra benefits by stimulating digestion (mint leaves) and cleansing the liver (lemons), so pour yourself a tall one and let the healing begin. Get the recipe.

2. Detoxifying "Green Giant" Protein Smoothie

The coconut water and aloe vera juice provide electrolytes that help with cardiovascular endurance, the avocado and hemp seeds provide heart-healthy fats, and the protein packet fuels your muscles.

Get the recipe.

3. Exercise

Although it may be the last thing you want to do right now, getting your blood pumping will make you feel worlds better when you're finished.

Get your heart rate up with some cardio - it will increase circulation and get oxygen to your brain.

4. Yoga twists

Twisting poses in yoga are known to detoxify your vital organs. When you twist, you compress the organs, thereby pushing toxins out of your system. Twists are also beneficial for circulation and digestion.

Be sure to drink lots of water afterwards to flush it all out. Try these poses.

5. Broccoli Puree Soup

This detoxifying soup is recommended by Alanna Zabel, yoga instructor and author of As I Am, which includes a 21-day mind-body-spirit detox plan.

Get the recipe.

6. Eat a balanced meal

Chances are you indulged in something sugary, fried or just plain fatty this weekend. Offset the damage with a nutritious meal with lean protein, veggies and healthy fats.

This sweet potato and arugula salad might do the trick.

7. Water