27 Reasons To Swipe Left When Shopping

We often wonder how something so seemingly simple as shopping can be so essential and refreshing. I mean, the mere act of shopping has a way of exposing us to the opportunity to explore, try new things, and feel good about ourselves while doing it.

However, we know that it's often not as simple given the sheer number of choices on the market. If you often find yourself struggling to decide between products when shopping, this one is for you! Here are 27+ hacks that will help you let go of undeserving products, and find your golden goose

Misrepresented Photos

We know you like to take chances but if the product advertised is different from the product you see, don’t take the risk. More often than not, people now tend to edit pictures or use Pinterest pictures to falsely advertise their products. 

If the pictures of the product were fabricated, run for your life (and wallet)! Take a hint and swipe left, much like you should after reading this next reason. 

Poor branding and packaging

The branding and packaging of a product are important. The packaging is a reflection of the goods inside. The efforts taken to design the packaging and to pack the packaging may be a way to discern the quality of the product itself.

 If the packaging is, therefore, shady and questionable, you may want to consider swiping left and looking for a different, well-packaged product. 

Unrealistic Advertisement

We've all been swooned by a nice ad before. Advertising is a way of attracting a new customer base and making your products known. However, this should be done realistically and accurately. Unrealistic or just poor advertising is a red flag. 

If the product is being unrealistically advertised, this may be a sign to swipe left. You know what else is a reason to swipe left? This next point. 

Unfriendly customer care

Customer care is as important as the product you are shopping for. If they do not value your presence and do not respect you in that shop, swipe left and move on. You are a dignified human being who inherently deserves to be treated as such. 

If the shop staff are giving you a hard time, discriminating against you, or being rude, their products are not worth it. If it gets unfriendly and uncomfortable for you, swipe left and move on. The product deserving of you may just be in the next shop.

Unfashionable products

Let's get this right ladies and gentlemen, there is a difference between vintage and out-of-date products. Do not be pushed into buying out-of-date products in the name of vintage. If you buy a ’90s fridge model and now need to replace the parts, where do you think you will get the replacements? 

 Also, if you feel like you become older if you wear that sweater, then why are you considering it ? Do not cause yourself unnecessary distress and regret by buying unfashionable and outdated products. Swipe left and find something trendier and better. Keep reading, this next tip will have you thanking us all day.

Lack of inclusivity

We know that certain products are designed with a customer base in mind. It's crucial to understand what products are for you and which ones aren't. If the product was made to exclude you, why are you dwelling, swipe left and find another product. 

 This may be in regard to clothes, furniture, or food. Do not take it personally, just swipe left and keep searching. This next point is another good reason to swipe and keep moving. 

Unnecessary Product Features

Believe it or not there is such a thing as  an unnecessary feature. Every aspect of a product has a value attached to it, which leads to the accumulative price of the product. If the product has a feature you do not need (or is just dumb), then leave it behind. 

This will help you save money as well as space. Some products belong on the shelves, so swipe left and keep shopping. 

Substandard Quality

Quality is the number one priority when shopping. You are an amazing human being who deserves high-quality products to match your energy. It feels flimsy and looks like a few stitches are missing; don’t settle. If you are one of those people who shies away from pointing out their dislikes in product quality, consider standing up for yourself.

You should feel happy and ecstatic when you get home and while using your products. Anything that looks and feels like it won’t give you that satisfaction is an immediate don’t. Swipe left and move to the next. If you think this reason is bad enough, wait till you see the next ones!

Unclear instructions

Believe us when we say, the instructions of a product are as important as the product. They come as a package deal with the product, and if they are unclear, the product may be of no use. 

It may be instructions for food, equipment, or other commodities; understanding the instructions is important. Therefore, if you are shopping and you find a product that you are confused about, consider swiping left.

Delivery Concerns

Some products come as a package deal with the delivery package. However, if you are uncomfortable and untrusting with the efficiency of the delivery mode and if you are concerned about the delivery, you may want to swipe left.

 Other delivery agencies are known for their incompetence, and if the product that you want is assigned to these delivery agencies, it may not be worth it. It is better to save your money than to buy damaged and unusable goods.

Overpriced Products

Whoever started the notion that high price means high quality should be thoroughly questioned because that is far from the truth. Of course, there are certain products whose high pricing meets the standard of the product. However, beware of scam artists trying to convince you to buy subpar products at high prices. 

Discern and calculate whether that product you are about to add to your tab deserves the amount you're about to pay. If you don’t see its worth, then let it go. If a product is overpriced, swipe left and move to the next. Keep reading, this next tip will have you thanking us all day. 

High maintenance costs

It is important to consider everything when you are purchasing a product. Long-term assessments are an important aspect to consider when shopping. Relative to your pocket, consider if the maintenance accruals are manageable. 

If maintenance costs are too high, the product may not be worth it. Swipe left and find another product if maintenance costs are high. 

Privacy Concerns

Another satisfactory reason to consider swiping left when shopping is privacy concerns. If the process to acquire that product poses privacy concerns, swipe left. When you are shopping, your privacy should be primary. 

You have a right to your privacy, and if the products in a particular shop or on a particular site may compromise these feelings of safety, you should consider swiping. Look for products that will ensure your privacy is key. You're on a knowledge roll, let's keep it going. 

Generic Nature of Product

This depends on the type of the product. For food, it is normal for people to enjoy the same brands of food worldwide. However, when shopping for items like clothes and furniture, it is normal to want to buy unique products that directly show your unique character.

Therefore, if you are shopping and discover that that same product is generic, it may be a sign for you to find another product to shop for.

Socially silent products

Thanks to the digital era, word travels very quickly. Consider researching the product you want to purchase. Remember that silence speaks volumes. If there is no social presence whatsoever for the product you want to shop for, you might want to consider swiping left.

 To understand the product you are about to purchase, there needs to be a social trial either through social media, websites, or word of mouth. A lack of these can be concerning. Hang in there, we have more helpful reasons still to come. 

No Warranty

We know you want a new and affordable refrigerator as soon as today, but settling for a product without a warranty is a no. Imagine buying it today and then waking up tomorrow to find it needing repairs already. If they don’t allow returns on major products, then swipe left and keep shopping. It’s important for you to feel safe and secure with whatever you are buying.

What would be the use for you to buy a new gadget and then be stressed out the whole time because of fear of it not working? You need assurance when shopping, and if the product you are about to buy doesn’t offer you that, swipe left and keep looking. Let us give you another reason to swipe left with this next point. 

Ingredients concerns

If you are concerned about the ingredients of a product you are interested in, it may be wise to swipe left. The components that make up the products we buy are important. If you have allergies and conditions that require you to stay away from some ingredients, it may be very important that you discern the ingredients of the products.

If the ingredients are not clear and questionable, do not settle; swipe left. You should not risk your health and values when buying a product, and if you have concerns about any of the ingredients, maybe you should swipe left.


The product should be appropriately matched with the use you want to use it for. If one component of that product does not match your values and needs, you should swipe left.

Also, investigate whether the product is age-appropriate for you. Overall, the use, age, and underlying values should match with what you intend to use the product for.

Environmentally unsustainable

The environment is an important part of us. It sustains us and you need to take care of it as well. There are certain products that a very hazardous and damaging to the environment, which make them not worth it.

When you are tempted to buy such products, do yourself a favor and just swipe left. No need to hurt mother nature with your shopping habits. 

Lack of clear product description

Certain products are visually appealing. However, when it comes to their use, the description is unclear. A product should be the answer to a problem, need, or want you want to address. If the product has no description and seems to have no use, why would you need it?

To put it simply, Swipe left if the product description is unclear. Keep scrolling for some unexpected reasons to pass up on some products. 

Ethical Concerns

Your ethics are the pivot that holds together your being. Under no circumstances should you let your ethical concerns be overridden by your need for a particular product. 

If you think the product is not ethically matched with you, regardless of how tempting it may be, swipe left. Shopping should not violate your ethics and if a product has that effect, move on.

Questionable safety issues

This goes without saying. If it looks unsafe, take it at face value and swipe left. Your safety and security is a priority, so if the product looks like it might violate that, let it go.

Make sure the product you are about to purchase is safe for your use and it will not trigger you in any way. Safety is always right, and if it's absent, instantly swipe left.

Product limitations

Sometimes, despite you wanting a product, its limitations matter. It may be regarding the product being unavailable in your area, its inability to meet one of your needs or even its side effects. Consider how much the limitations of that product affect you.

 If it affects you gravely, this is your sign to swipe left and move on. Do not compromise when it comes to very important product features lacking. Swipe left if the product limitations affect you. This reason may have you convinced, but the next reason will have you convince you even more.

Compatibility of product

When shopping, products should be compatible with the space you need them for. An example would be having a pink-themed space, and then you find a beautiful but bright red couch.

If it is incompatible in terms of size, color, and use, swipe left. Make sure the product is themed in a way that is compatible with you before buying it.

Viability Concerns

When shopping, consider the feasibility and sustainability of the product. Depending on use and how often the product will be used, you can determine whether or not to buy the product.

 If the make of the product is not sustainable or durable, you should consider finding a better product for your use. If you have viability concerns, swipe left and keep shopping.

Better alternative products

This is a very simple reason why you should swipe left. If you are aware of better products that can meet your needs, why settle? If there is a better option that suits you then there is no need to be stuck on the product.

It is unnecessary to experiment with new products if the one that you have been using is flawless and well-equipped to take care of your needs. Swipe left and move on. Do you want to hear an even more suitable reason to swipe left? Wait till you see the next reason!

Legal Concerns

Legal issues surrounding a product are a very important consideration. To avoid being on the wrong side of the law, regardless of whether it is because you are unaware, you need to do your research.

 If it seems as though the product was acquired illegally through activities like smuggling, theft, and robbery. If something about that product does not seem right or if it seems illegal, swipe left and don’t look back.

Budget Constraints

As obvious as this one seems, it bears repeating. Your budget dictates the products you can afford. Always take into account your income versus expenditure. 

If the product you see is way above your budgetary plan, swipe left and find a cheaper option that will not financially cripple you.

Badly reviewed products

Hear us out. The rating system was created for a reason. It was created to serve and benefit you so that you get the background information of the product that you are about to invest in. Take time to visit the website of that product and see the reviews available. 

Make sure you take note of these reviews, and if one of the concerns could affect you, do not compromise. The last thing you want is to buy something that is already being rejected by so many. Too many bad reviews should just make you swipe left.

Incurring Costs

If you are shopping online and you notice that despite the advertised price, the costs seem to be getting higher than initially shown, this may be a concern. If the incurring costs are unrealistic and unwarranted, it may be very wise to consider finding another site or product to purchase. 

Swipe left if the costs keep unexpectedly incurring.