25 Amish Facts They Don't Want You to Know

When it comes to the Amish, most people only have general ideas of what these communities are really like. 

We found 25 facts that will help you better understand what the Amish population stands for and how they live.

Once a couple starts “dating,” they will go out only a few times before deciding if they should marry. 

The church will then bless the marriage, and the engagement becomes official once it’s announced in their town’s newspaper.

While the amish are not allowed to use technology, they have created their own type of "Amish Tech" around their rules and faith. 

Also some Amish use electronics for business purposes.

Surprisingly, young couples are encouraged to share a bed together prior to marriage. 

However, both parties are fully clothed and a board is placed between them to prevent contact. The idea is for them to spend the whole night talking instead of doing other things...

The Amish do not use technology even in the slightest sense. 

They go without electricity, phones, and internet due to their belief in “Gelassenheit,” which is a Christian word equating to keeping the earth as God created it.

Amish weddings are typically held at the end of fall, and are devoid of anything that they deem too extravagant. 

Instead of flowers, they commonly use celery, and the bride may not even wear a ring as it represents vanity.

Besides English, most Amish communities also speak German and what is known as Pennsylvania Dutch. 

They will use English in school and business, but speak German in church and Dutch for common daily activities.

They wear the same plain clothes that tradition has dictated for many years. 

Amish are not allowed to wear bright colors or jewelry— not even to weddings!

Guests mainly talk and offer their blessings to the new couple following a wedding ceremony. 

Then, the bride and groom spend their first official night together at the bride's parent's home.

Amish men have beards, but no mustaches because of what the facial hair represents. 

Mustaches were once seen as a sign of wealth and military, and the communities wanted nothing to do with either.

With so many rules, it’s not unheard of for someone to be banned from the community. 

Known as “Meidung,” the only way for someone to be un-banished is to beg, or to die and be buried back in the community.

For such a religious community, the Amish do not see the need for extravagant churches or services. 

Instead, they show their faith in their work and how they live.

Boys will pick a trade to go into, and girls are all pre-destined to be housewives. 

Because of this, they see no need for an education past the 8th grade level.

Both communities find it greatly insulting to be mistaken for one another. 

The Mennonites, pictured on the left, are not as strict as the Amish. Mennonites may wear brighter colors, drive cars, and even live modernly.

The Amish escaped persecution in Europe by immigrating to America. 

They found live more peaceful in their new country and decided to make it their permanent residence.

Despite living in small communities and reported inbreeding, the Amish refuse testing that would tell them who is related to who as they claim the testing is not of God's will.

Jakob Ammann, an anabaptist leader, began the Amish movement when he left Switzerland and other Christians decided to join him.

Obviously, the word "Amish" comes from Jakob's last name.

As their tradition and old-fashioned thinking dictates, women are treated as second class citizens.

This means girls are only destined to become housewives to cook, clean, and raise children.

Amish communities do not believe in or use contraceptives, which results in large families. 

It's also said they aim to have as many children as possible!

Because Amish get married so young and have so many children, their communities actually see a yearly growth rate of 3.6%!

The Amish are not arrogant people, as they see that as a sin. 

This being so, they do not judge or condemn people of the modern world for their lifestyle choices.

Unlike some Christian branches, the Amish believe in waiting until a person is old enough, typically around age 16-24, before accepting the religion.

There are reportedly over 300,00 Amish people living in America!

It would be hard for anyone not familiar with Amish communities to know just how many people actually reside in these communities.

Not only are the Amish soft-spoken, but they are also against violence in any form.

Because of this, no men are allowed to join the military. 

If they do join, they are banned from the community.

Building barns is one way the men in Amish communities pass the time and socialize in large groups.