20 Unreal Photos From 30,000 Feet

Two For One

We've seen a whole lot of crazy behavior by both passengers and airlines in recent months. Passengers, pilots, flight attendants and even celebrities make funny plane photos more perfect than you could ever imagine.

If you thought you’ve seen it all, get ready to be wrong. The photos in this gallery are incredibly funny and are sure to make you laugh out loud.

Why pay for two seats when you can just pay for one? Granted, you have to share the already-small seat, and it won't be very comfortable.

Right On Target

Although the father seems to be bummed about the situation, the kid on his shoulders seems to be enjoying the view from the bird's nest.

Is this a therapy dog, or an upgrade for the famous Target dog from doggy coach class in the belly of the plane? Look how comfortable he is flying in economy class like the every other human passenger.

Flying Solo

He looks so calm and happy, and we’re sure his owners are as well because he gets to sit next to his buddy.

Talk about a quiet flight, this man was lucky enough to score a Delta flight all on by himself.

Smile And Wave, Boys

This guy is lucky enough to not only have all the snacks that he pleases but all the pillows and leg room a person could ask for on a flight.

No, it's not the Penguins of Madagascar, but it sure looks like the film was based on these real life birds. It's a pleasant surprise to see this small pair of penguins waddling down an airplane aisle.


We wonder if the temperature on board was suitable for these arctic creatures. The penguins were captured on camera being shuttled to first class as guests of honor for the joint BBC and Discovery Channel series Frozen Planet.

It almost looks as if this could be a modern photo if only Walt Disney's typewriter was a laptop, and, oh, the unusually large man-bug sitting next to him.

Panda Plane

Or is that Jiminy Cricket?

On this airline, pandas get to fly first class. We think this lovable bear is traveling to some exotic location. His buddy next to him seems like he's taking care of him.

More Flying Animals

However, sadly, the panda isn’t actually real. It's a giant stuffed bear which China Airlines staff put on their plane as a publicity stunt. Sorry to disappoint you if you thought he was real.

We all know about therapy dogs, but therapy turkeys? Yeah, that's a thing. This passenger was approved to bring her farm friend on board with her, to supposedly ease her fears of flying.

Pigs Can Fly

If the plane crashed, though, the turkey would clearly be the first things to be eaten. Call it an early Thanksgiving dinner.

Seriously, what is it with all these therapy pets? Apparently pigs count, too. This pig probably makes the cabin smell a little worse than it already does.

Tight Buns

And, again, if the plane were to go down on a deserted island, Porky is the first one to be eaten. Regardless, this not-so-wild looking boar seems to be having the time of his life, and we’re sure his owner is too.

Buckle up your burgers! Why was this burger given a safe seat in the first place? A list of explanations for this hamburger’s special attention is possible.

What The Duck?

Maybe the stuffed burger was just dry-cleaned? Maybe some kids on the plane were trying to kidnap and eat it? We may never know.

Not only is this duck on a plane, but according to the passengers on the plane, it had on a leash and little shoes too.

Nice Hat

Dogs are great cuddle pets, especially when they're therapy dogs, but we wonder how a duck can be cuddled in times of need.

Does this thing belong on an airplane or a spaceship? This contraption is actually a pillow, and it's apparently one of the most comfortable travel pillows ever created because it’s soft, blocks out noise, and lets no light in.

Sleepy Head

It's also important to note that the pillow costs a steep $100. Who would've thought someone would actually buy it.

It's safe to say the plane is on auto-pilot, but it's still a scary sight to see a pilot asleep in the cockpit. It's like seeing a car driver asleep at the wheel.

Qantas Airlines' New Pilot

Hopefully this image never got back to the passengers on his flight, or he was cause a serious stir on the flight.

When you bring your personal kangaroo on board with you, you beenfit from the extra pouch space. Maybe with that extra pouch space, you can bring an additional book that explains which animals you can can't bring on a plane.


You'd probably quickly find out that bringing a kangaroo on board isn't the smartest idea.

So that's why there's never enough space in the overhead compartments. This must by why airline employers require drug and alcohol testing before employees board the plane to serve passengers.

One Too Many

We’re impressed by her ability to sneak into one of the overhead storage bins, though. Good for her.

This guy is ruining it for all of us. Moderation is key, and this guy seems to have never heard that word. We wonder why the air marshal didn't simply handcuff him.

He's Out

Are the zip ties around the legs necessary? Whatever he did, must have made a lot of people upset because he ended up in a rough situation.

This guy clearly has given up all hope on caring about looking like any normal, civilized person. If you're going to be this lazy on a public flight, you should at least have the decency to zip your fly, dude.


At least you look very comfortable, we'll give you that.

You're looking a little too obvious right there, man. The flight attendant is simply just doing her job in the required uniform she is meant to wear, but this man is trying to take advantage of the situation.

"Catch Me Outside"

We think something like this wouldn't fly (no pun intedned) these days.

As if this girl didn't gain enough fame (or shame) from her performance on the Dr. Phil show, the "catch me outside" girl was caught on a flight fighting a fellow passenger.

They Live!

She clearly hasn't learned her lesson or worked on her temper.

The extinction of the dinosaurs have many intersting theories, but have you heard of the one where they're not enitrely gone, they're just miniturized and on a plane somewhere? Yeah, neither did we.

We just made it up.