15 Stories Of Coworkers From Hell That Will Shock You

"When I was sixteen, I worked at Wendy's. One day I went in to find out that I was training. I am working back window, and as I am training her, she starts filling me in on her situation, She was a recovering crack addict who had just been released from jail for theft and was living in a halfway house.  She was also forty years old and kept hitting on me, asking if I had ever had women, telling me constantly how cute I was, etc.

I thought I'd have to get a new job, but two days later, addiction won out, and she ran out the door with a hundred bucks. The funny thing was that, had it just been the money, she would have just been fired, since she ran out with the work walkie-talkie, she was charged with a felony." -Reddit user Beboprockss

"I had a coworker who was obsessed with the schedule. We all got our schedules in a bulk spreadsheet at the start of the week, and he would check EVERYONE'S hours. You could hear him in the break room for the entire day, b*tching to everyone who wasn't a manager about how someone got better hours, longer hours, more holiday hours...unless he got a longer schedule.  The second he had longer hours, he would bemoan how busy he was, how he'd have no free time, how he was supposed to do this thing, but now he has to work....It was somewhere between hilarious and insufferable.

And it was always because "Mr. Manager hates me." Someone somewhere in the office must hate him, thus his schedule was never perfect. I don't think it clicked that they'd just fire him if they actually hated him, but he never was very bright." -Reddit user CantWashABaby

"We had a guy on the night shift that would come to work clock in and then drive away, come back at the end of his shift, and clock out. The manager was told about it a number of times but said, "I didn't see it, so I can't do anything about it." This guy was doing this for over a year.

I ask what was up, and the manager said, "He has mama baby issues." -Reddit user fldsld

"Dana. I can't stand Dana. Whenever you have any questions, she looks at you like you're crazy for asking. She gives you one of those looks like, "Seriously?

You want me to do that?" It doesn't matter that what you're asking for is her responsibility. You can't ask her to do anything without her giving you sh*t back. She doesn't copy people on emails, so she'll go off and work on a team project with her different team while other people are doing THE SAME THING. To top it all off, she's in marketing and unknowingly made our publicly owned company tagline a sex joke. I know there are worse people out there, but this makes everyone's day-to-day suck. Also, she laughs like one of the hyenas from The Lion King all day." -Reddit user hungrierdave

"One of my bosses. We worked at home with autistic kids, and every week we would have team meetings to discuss what we should do next with the kids. During these 2 hours, we would talk about her, her weekend, her boyfriend, her friends, her car, her house, the great deals that she found, and then finally, in the last 5 min or so, we would get to the kids.  I would tell her repeatedly and flat out that she needed to develop more programs for the kids because they were advancing very fast.

I worked there for 3 years, and she never once put in a new program. She told me to think of something to do. She was being paid $45 an HOUR, had a master's degree, and was 2nd in command." -Reddit user Mrswhiskers

"I had been covering a coworker's responsibility on a project for about a month because he "didn't have time" to learn the task up until that point.

I finally pressure him to schedule some time to learn it with me, and he says, "Well, why can't you keep doing it?" -Reddit user SenorSerio

"I work at a well-respected homewares and decorating type store in Sydney. The store manager is a complete nightmare to work with. She has an erratic personality, and frankly, she's a b*tch.

She drinks on the job, sometimes starting at 8:45 am. The worst part? She steals money from the till and expects us to sign it off for her for the reports at the end of the day." -Reddit user GrilledCheeesus

"I worked at a camp for kids with diabetes during college. In one session, I was in charge of the little dudes-age 5. When caring for kids with type 1 diabetes, you have to carry emergency food- like glucose tabs (kind of like smarties candy), crackers, and juice. Little kids with t1D can drop their blood sugar really fast, which is very dangerous.

Easy treatment, though: give them the food.  My co-counselor would eat all the low food. She didn't have diabetes, she would just get bored and eat it. Became a real problem when we were all the way across the sports field, and one of our little dudes got really low. God, she was an idiot. The kids could have gone into a seizure." -Reddit user (deleted)

"McDonald's was the simplest of jobs. A customer comes in. Wants a number 1. You hit the button. Boom.

I was training this new girl. She asked me where the 1 button was. I had to hand hold her chubby wrists and physically show her. 2 weeks later, she has a mental breakdown. Starts crying and yelling at customers. Then cried and yelled more when she got fired." -Reddit user SoberHungry

"Boss's daughter. Got paid three times as much as I did, never showed up, cried when she did something wrong, and it was a huge tattle tale.

I hated working with her. I still don't speak with her, and that was years ago." -Reddit user guinnypig

"I was a research assistant at a hospital. I had the worst coworker in the world. Her name was Fatty McNeill. She had to supervise me while doing study visits and would verbally berate me in front of our patients.

There were also some days I had to come in early, and she would come in early herself just to make sure I was on time. Once I arrived at 7:31 instead of 7:30 because I was in the bathroom. You better believe I got a call that day from the boss. This girl also called me an idiot on several occasions."  -Reddit wobblywobble4

"Working with French co-workers. I've had this displeasure a few times.

They will always stab you in the back, only speak french around you and then get pissed at you if you do not speak English (when talking to colleagues from my country) around them so they can understand what is being said. They'll come in early and sit in late only to make it look like they are doing something." -Reddit user (deleted)

"She doesn't brush her teeth because "toothpaste is too expensive." She lets her 80+ lb. dog sleep on top of her, which also adds to her stench.

No wonder her husband sleeps in the trailer instead of in the house. Other coworkers have spoken to our managers and HR about her, but they don't want to get their hands dirty and always say, "some people just have a smell to them." After customers started complaining about smelling her from over the counter, she was the only one allowed to chew gum on the sales floor (food safety)." -Reddit user BossPlaya

"My coworker likes to initiate conversations, then does long pauses where you go to say something back, then he cuts you off and keeps talking. He has entire conversations almost entirely by himself. He also likes to make changes to my paperwork before it's turned in.

It ends up riddled with spelling mistakes while he tries to make the content look smarter. Fortunately, it's all electronically stamped with who made revisions." -Reddit user inu_yasha

"Worked with a girl who would sometimes just lay on the floor and play on her phone. She would routinely flip out about something her boyfriend did and just start screaming curse words, sometimes in front of customers.

She was eventually fired for smoking weed while on the clock." -Reddit user AtlantaFieldClowns