14 Pieces Of Life Advice From the Older Generation

Older generations have years of experience to share with younger people. And they would change your life entirely if you apply them to your life now.

These Reddit users shared the things they wish they knew when they were younger, from life advice to tips on becoming your best self!

"When you invest in yourself, you can never lose. This applies to everything: Learn to cook. You'll save a bajillion dollars on food in your lifetime. Learn a foreign language.

You'll expand your horizons and be easily employable. Learn to spend less than you earn. You'll never be broke." -Reddit user liferebootdotcom

"Be more confident in your abilities. Go on those road trips, even if you go alone. That gut feeling about not getting married?

Trust it. Take care of your knees." -Reddit user noxetlux

"Get a job as soon as possible. Save up as much money as you can.

You're really going to hate how your parents start to treat you at 19 years old. If you think it's bad then, ohhhh boy." -Reddit user XxSyncxX

"Stop worrying so much - it always turns out just fine.

Even when it doesn't exactly, you always find a way to get through it." -Reddit user guraqt06

"Save money. Live quite below your means.

The more stuff isn't best because that mentality only means you strive to want more." -Reddit user rosickness12

"Find a fairly simple hobby. A musical instrument, knitting, wood carving, juggling, stuff like that.

It's therapeutic and you never know when you could apply those skills or impress someone with them." -Reddit user lordatomosk

"Don’t rush into relationships. Don’t rush into love.

Let it find you. Enjoy your youth and appreciate those around you." -Reddit user dopeystick

"No one will remember what you’re embarrassed about.

Quit worrying about what other people think about you." -Reddit user -bloatedcorpse-

"College isn't necessary for success, but education/learning is.

That habits you develop early are harder to break and learn better ones get harder with age." -Reddit user Toihva

"Do what you can now to make life easier for you in the future.

That doesn’t mean getting your entire life together, but small things like not staying up as late or exercising a little more." -Reddit user (deleted)

"Never give up, work hard(and/or smart) to achieve your goals. People will say bad things about you whether you do everything perfectly or not, so pay little attention to what they're saying." -Reddit user Gstfa

"Pay yourself before you pay others (Budget, set up a savings account to pay FIRST before you get to the end of the month to see how much you have left to save)." -Reddit user (deleted)

"Show up.

Whether it's for school, work, family, or friends, make an effort to show up." -Reddit user DEF_NOT_CIA

"Start taking care of your body now!

Form a fun exercise routine, learn how to cook a few cheap, healthy meals, and for goodness sake DONT SMOKE." -Reddit user FriendParsley