13 Preemie Babies Smiling Because They're Happy To Be Alive

Born weighing only 2 lb 12 oz.

Premature babies are babies born before 37 weeks. Some may think they're weaker and have little chance of surviving, but in reality, preemie babies are fighters. They are born already in the middle of a battle and they try their hardest to make it through.

There is nothing sweeter than a baby's smile — except for maybe when a preemie smiles. Because when they smile, it shows that everything is going to be okay. Here are 13 premature babies who are smiling simply because they're happy to be alive.

Born at 33 weeks, her mother was told she'd never smile again after suffering a stroke.

Look at that beautiful smile!

He may not look like it, but this man was born nine weeks premature.

Her big grin just proved everyone wrong.

He weighed 4.8 lb.

Born at 34 weeks and weighing 5 lb 4 oz.

He will soon be graduating from med school to be a doctor of osteopathic medicine.

The difference a few weeks can make.

After two weeks in the NICU, this little guy is doing great!

This little lady was born weighing 3 lb 7 oz.

Kennedy was born at 31 weeks and weighed 3 lb 2 oz.

But now at 16 weeks old, you'd have never known!

These twins were born at 26 weeks and weighed 1 lb and 11 oz. each.

That won't stop her from letting her smile shine.

This little lady was born at 3 lb 14 oz.

After 80 days in the NICU, they are celebrating their fifth birthday.

Born weighing 3 lb 6 oz.

Nothing says happy to be alive like a smile.

This sweet guy was born weighing 4 lb 9 oz.

This gorgeous lady has just turned 7!

Seven weeks premature, but not about to give up!

Now 17 months old, he is proving that preemie babies are strong too!

This is just the start of a long and happy life for this guy.