Postpartum Depression: Every Thing A New Mother Should Know

It's normal to feel overwhelmed after having a child. It's actually how the majority of individuals experience after having a baby. Excitation, delight, dread, and other strong emotions can all be brought on by the birth of a child. But it can also lead to something unexpected: depression. After giving birth, most new mothers endure postpartum "baby blues," which frequently include mood changes, crying episodes, anxiety, and trouble sleeping. The first two to three days after delivery are usually when baby blues start, and they can linger for up to two weeks. Postpartum depression, on the other hand, is a more severe and pervasive type of depression that some new mothers suffer. Here’s what a new mother should know about this condition.

What does postpartum depression seems like?

You cry a lot, seemingly for no reason. You're angrier than normal, and occasionally you even want to run away from everyone—including your child. The immediate remorse for feeling this way follows. You feel worn out, achy, and pessimistic about the future. Sometimes when you stare at your child, you might feel nothing. Then you begin to think you might have a mental illness, which makes you feel even worse. In truth, this isn't who you are, and it doesn't represent you as a person or a parent. Rest assured that none of these postpartum depression symptoms are the result of anything you did. How you perceive yourself, the outside world, and your unborn child is being filtered by your body and mind. But that filter can be removed with help.

What causes postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is not a shortcoming or a weakness. Sometimes it's just a side effect of childbirth. Nobody is aware of the causes of postpartum depression (PPD). It most likely has multiple causes, not just one. It most likely has a mix of emotional and physical causes. It's crucial to understand, however, that a mother's actions or inactions are not the cause of postpartum depression. Estrogen and progesterone levels in a woman's body decline sharply after giving birth. This causes chemical changes in the brain, which might result in mood swings. Additionally, a lot of new mothers struggle to get the necessary rest after giving birth. Body aches and weariness brought on by lack of sleep might also contribute to the symptoms.


Postpartum psychosis and postpartum anxiety disorders are two additional postpartum mental health issues connected to PPD. Here is the information you need to know about the additional postpartum mental health issues.

Postpartum Psychosis

Out of 1,000 people, this postpartum mental health problem appears in 1 to 2. When compared to postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis typically starts during the first two weeks of giving birth. The existence of delusions and/or hallucinations distinguishes postpartum psychosis from postpartum depression. Other signs include intrusive thoughts, a poor reaction to or lack of interest in one's child. Intense grief or wrath may be followed by enhanced moods in the course of postpartum psychosis symptoms. Lucid moments are frequent but not always a sign of recovery. It is believed that postpartum psychosis frequently signifies a bipolar disorder episode.

Postpartum Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are very common after childbirth. It's possible that your anxiety prevents you from taking care of yourself or your kid, making it difficult for you to eat or sleep. Some people experience the fear of hurting their infant baby. Anxiety, which affects up to 40% of women in their lifetime, can result from a variety of underlying problems, such as the strains of delivery and parenthood.

Coping with the delivery of baby

Following months of pregnancy, many people experience a period of recovery, and readjustment in the period immediately following birth. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to ease the process of managing this change. The following actions will aid in your adjustment. 1. Accept support from others 2. If you're having trouble, ask for help 3. Avoid placing blame on yourself 4. Be sure to eat well 5. Exercise 6. Step outside for a change of scenery 7. While you take a break, ask someone to watch the infant 8. Stay in touch with friends, join a social group for new mothers 9. Make self-care time a top priority 10. Ask other mothers who have "been there" for advice 11. Spend as much time sleeping as you can


In order to ensure the health of both the mother and her child, postpartum depression must be treated. The sooner someone gets it, the more quickly they'll probably recover. The doctor typically recommends a combination of counseling and medicine once they have determined the problem.


These might include antidepressants, which might aid with symptom management and mood enhancement. But it can take them 6 to 8 weeks to start working. In the meantime, by re-establishing the hormonal balance, the hormone drug brexanolone (Zulresso) can aid in the treatment of depression. Antipsychotic drugs can be helpful if psychosis develops. All medications have potential side effects, so it's crucial to choose a treatment strategy that works closely with your doctor.


Moderate postpartum depression may be treated with cognitive behavioral treatment, sometimes known as CBT. It seeks to foster more optimistic thought processes and fresh approaches to and interpretations of situations. A viable alternative can also be interpersonal counseling. It aims to enhance communication abilities and support the growth of social networks. This can assist a person in coping with difficulties that might otherwise result in depression.